Friday, February 15, 2019

Art Inspired Wings #WhatLiftsYou

In the theme of the mural artist, Kelsey Montague (who is known for her beautiful murals all over the world, many of wings using #WhatLiftsYou), Mrs Jackson's Medway High School art students created their own set of wings. This was made to inspire 8th graders at their open house and hopefully they will think about art in their high school career.

Using a canvas and sharpie, art students collaborated on what art means to them. What lifts them. Students could work on it as little or as much as they wanted.

Some inspiring words the students used:

Creativity take courage
Art is what makes us unique
Embrace your inner artist
Art is relaxing
Art brings people together
'Till death do we art

The mural is currently up outside the cafeteria.

To see Kelsey Montague's work click here 

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